Suicide Prevention

Shrink Two phoned me the other day and after we talked about my current depression, she said, “are you feeling suicidal…. I mean, any more suicidal than usual?” oh how we laughed. And despite that, I’ve been blogging about suicide prevention daily. Thing is, I don’t agree with the people and memes that say suicide is 100% preventable. I agree with the right to die. I agree that the world needs better education about suicide. Any day that focuses on things like suicide, is important. If it saves one life, everyone’s tax write offs will have been well spent. Getting people jazzed up about the goal of 100% prevention, is unrealistic bullshit. I think it’s vital to read posts like this one from Trash Diaries, as well as the other viewpoints.

The thing is, we all (yasss that’s muggles included yo) need to think and talk about this shit, before handing out lists of warning signs.

Here’s one suggestion for a solution. We tend to say that people “threaten suicide” – it’s not a threat. It’s a statement of pain and the inability to cope with any more of that pain. Frankly, “prevent” can be a brutal word too.

I have to pay someone to LISTEN to me about not wanting to be alive. It’s bullshit, isn’t it?

And why the suffering fuck are we focusing on changing people instead of trying to improve our conditions, society!?

Published by


battlescarred, bright, bewildered, bent, blue & bipolar

16 thoughts on “Suicide Prevention”

  1. This is a great article/post from Zoe (read it last night). Unfortunately I share ALOT of her thoughts & feelings). I love your added comment(s), very valid & true. Hugs! ;-*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Perhaps a hell of a lot more people share the thoughts and feelings, and aren’t being listened to. Hugs for you too. I think I might write about my own experiences next.

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  2. Aw. My two fave bloggers on the same blog. I wish in an alternate dimension we could sit down with a jug of wine and jitter big to Sly and the Family Stone. At the moment I tilt toward the Zoe perspective — cause cold turkey Lamcital withdrawal is Hell on Earth– but I think the basic cliche is the basic truth. No one wants to die. It’s lost to escape pain. You quote DFW Blah, and his analogy is quite sound: suicide is just tie person jumping from a building on fire; jumping, in the moment, being a logical response to being burned alive. Been there, scared of going there again, nothing other to say than I hope this blog activity helps others as it has helped me; just feeling that you’re not alone, that other people are in that burning building and somehow surviving even though being continuously scorched and scaled and inflamed with pain…does help very much indeed. Even though it’s an electronic help, and so not ideal, it’s the best we got, and I have no doubt has saved lives and may save more. And maybe just saved for a moment, or a day, or a month; but that buys time; and not all of time is hell, thank god. Maybe a l

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Apologies Blah. Sent that from iPhone before could reread or edit, and don’t know how to do it from said iPhone. Will clean up when back home. Sorry.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No need bro, I totally got what you meant AND the wish that we could “jitter big” made me laugh. So yeah, here we are in our burning building, helping each other the best we can. We’re a tribe.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry couldn’t edit or reread and on my iPhone so hope post was okay. Love y’all!


  4. Apologies Blah. Sent that from iPhone before could reread or edit, and don’t know how to do it from said iPhone. Will clean up when back home. Sorry.


  5. Aw. My two fave bloggers on the same blog. I wish in an alternate dimension we could sit down with a jug of wine and jitter big to Sly and the Family Stone. At the moment I tilt toward the Zoe perspective — cause cold turkey Lamcital withdrawal is Hell on Earth– but I think the basic cliche is the basic truth. No one wants to die. It’s lost to escape pain. You quote DFW Blah, and his analogy is quite sound: suicide is just tie person jumping from a building on fire; jumping, in the moment, being a logical response to being burned alive. Been there, scared of going there again, nothing other to say than I hope this blog activity helps others as it has helped me; just feeling that you’re not alone, that other people are in that burning building and somehow surviving even though being continuously scorched and scaled and inflamed with pain…does help very much indeed. Even though it’s an electronic help, and so not ideal, it’s the best we got, and I have no doubt has saved lives and may save more. And maybe just saved for a moment, or a day, or a month; but that buys time; and not all of time is hell, thank god. Maybe a lo of

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I want a shirt that says, in 80s horrible lumo Wham style, JITTER BIG! Actually I want two, I get the jitters a lot. No wait, shirts like that would actually cause jitters.

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  6. All right. I give up. Please Blah deleted all that shit except first post and second and I will clean up when I get home. And never again try to blog response on a phone!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Whatev, Blah, comment mercenary:) (not that you and Zoe even read my last one, meanies.) JK. I should thank both of you. Lately I’ve just been hitting the “follow” button on all your mutual commenters. It’s great for the blue hours. Like insta-solidarity. One thing I do wonder is why so many more female voices? Just ’cause we dudes are inclined to be pseudo-stoical or are ashamed or what?…definitely something for The Great Wise Blah to contemplate for a future post…K bye I have a lil dementia from cold turkey Lamcital withdrawal and don’t trust myself. Be well. And anyone reading this — Bipolar is an Utter Apocalyptic Shitshow but Blah is right. We are a TRIBE. You may be alone in your room, but there are others alone in their rooms, and together we are not alone, and somewhere, in the back of our twisted mixed state dysphoric manic agitated depressed minds; in some blessed alternative realm of sanity: we are Jitter Bigging to Sly and the Family Stone, all together, as ONE. At least theoretically. And if you are at the end…and this is all just jabbery bullshit and offensive in its jiggery…I wish you peace. Shantih. Remember you ARE bipolar. Cycles, episodes. Suicide is the imposition of permanence on an inherently impermanent condition. That is not meant to be a deep solace. That is meant to be a tiny ultrasound of hope that the fire in the building is just a blown out microwave. And tomorrow may dawn, and a new thought or feeling or flare of hope with it. Hugs to all my tribe. In the woods today and feel love for all we silent sufferers. It is hard. It is unfair. It is suffering no one will ever understand but the Tribe. So if you are as I was six months ago, keep reading, listen to as many voices as you can, the less alone you feel the better. It is a truth. Won’t change the suffering itself. Will possibly, or just might, change the mind’s reaction to the suffering. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re a dude, I think you should ponder the demographics too. I tend to think it might be more to do with differing communication styles than any emotions. You’re a writer, so you don’t fit into that theory.

      Jitter big. Mhm.


  8. I agree with you wholeheartedly. And the phrase “commit suicide”. In all my languages the verb connected with the noun “suicide” is most commonly used with the noun “crime”. We need new phrasing. In addition to new attitudes, ofc.

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